LIVE. No Hiding

You’re part of a community. Take a chance to challenge what you know with your peers so we can all succeed.

We share in your struggle and in your success. Whatever stage your business is in, you don’t have to do it alone

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GoalBoosting: Ideas In Action

This highly interactive workshop challenges you to take your BIG IDEAS and turn them into an ACTION PLAN that works with your life. 

Owning and operating a business means multitasking. It can mean spending weeks working fine details, and it's hard not to get lost in all the noise. Join me to craft Your Unique Arrow that connects where you are now to where you want to go. In 90-minutes you'll create a 90-day strategy that:

  • Captures your dreams on paper and defines what success looks like 

  • Identifies focus areas that build on what you have & support your direction 

  • Deconstruct your 'rocks' into actions & create a plan for when to adjust

BlockBreaking: Hidden Opportunities for Growth

This highly interactive workshop challenges you to bust open the HEART OF YOUR BUSINESS and find the HIDDEN OPPORTUNITIES waiting there. 

When you're buried in the work that runs the show, it's easy to fall into a pattern and stall your growth. Join me in questioning what you think you know about your business so new ideas can come forward. In 90-minutes you'll review your business as a whole to:

  • Capture a snapshot of your business strengths & weaknesses

  • Deconstruct your plateau and figure out what to let go

  • Reframe your growth strategy and identify what areas are worth investing in

ScaleShaping: Elevate Your Business

This highly interactive workshop challenges you to THINK DIFFERENTLY about what scaling means and how to achieve it. 

What happens when you feel like you've reached your threshold of work, but you still have goals you want to achieve? Scale happens. Your business can rise to that vision by taking a new shape. In 90-minutes you'll redefine what 'good' looks like to:

  • Decide what scale means to you and what it looks like

  • Figure out the levers you need to push to make it happen

  • Capture your closest path to scale 

Active Workshop Topics

Reveal what you need from your business, and what your business needs from you.